Sunday, May 13, 2007

i've lost (or found) my elephant

Have you ever had a paragraph seize you by the throat, put you in a chokehold, and slam you up against a wall? Have you ever read anything that shoved you emotionally, into the path of an oncoming train, and woke you up with its impact? Have words ever attacked your sanctuary, forced your eyes open, and made you see?

Thank you, Mr. Haruki Murakami (and Mr. Alfred Birnbaum). I hate your directness, your manipulation of language. I resent your disruption, this intrusion. Don't worry though - I'm sure this won't last too long, as I have too much to be grateful to you for.

But life was just peachy yesterday.


skyscraper said...

this is beautiful--but you already know what i thought of this piece a while ago ;))

letting you know that i responded to your email. and also wanting to send you some genuine positive vibes and blessings--i know you need them, like any of us. and that you'll appreciate them more than many of us.

please just keep writing and expressing your complex feelings no matter how hard it may be sometimes--your words touch my soul.


Sudacana said...

We have lost our elephant.
When can we find it again?
When will you write again?