Wednesday, October 03, 2007


your words
are strung together
cheap plastic beads
the ones young girls thread on to
that transparent plastic thread.

that snap
when you become too
brightly coloured spheres
scatter all over the place
like your meaningless phrases.


Sudacana said...

Okay... I have been patient enough....
it is past one month.... enough ignoring our thirst for more....

Can you see the symbolism here....

Les Yeux Caches said...

If I was as smart as Sudacana I would ask for the post in the same manner, but instead I am going to do it straight up...POST!!!!

pomegranate queen said...

i feel i need to put in my 2 cents regarding the thirst for more postings as well.

ummm. you gonna write or what?!

lol. can't wait to read more soon.


All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

thats a lovely sonnet